Detox consultation
Why detox consultation?
Because every person is different and everyone has a different level of sensitivity and exposure to toxins, a responsible way of dealing with toxins is by establishing these factors before dealing with them. I start by setting up an extensive anamneses of the state your body and mind are in. Subsequently I supply you with advie and lots of tips and information on how to go about your detox process. All of this will be discussed in the first consult. If desired, more consults can be planned to detox on a deeper level.
I don’t make use of standard products or packages to detox! I give tips and advice that are adapted to you as a person. Often this only means making (small) adaptions to certain areas of your lifestyle of daily habits. And there are several simple foods you can use to detox yourself. Hence, I try not to sell standard products, but try instead to keep things practical and affordable for you. Often with immediate, great results that will make you feel more energized, help you lose weight, or cope with other related complaints.